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Hygge For Mental Health

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Living with ADHD can be a Challenge

Living with ADHD can be a challenge. The symptoms of ADHD can make it difficult to focus, be organized and be calm. However, there may be one small lifestyle change that could greatly help many with ADHD – and that is hygge living.
Hygge living is a concept that is all about creating a cozy and comfortable life. It is about living in the moment and savoring the simple joys in life. And it has been shown to have many benefits for those with ADHD.

Hygge For Mental Health

So What Exactly is Hygge, you may ask

Hygge, pronounced Hoo-gah, is a Danish and Norwegian word for ‘a mood of coziness and comfortable conviviality with feelings of wellness and contentment’. It is a concept representing a level of contentment with the simple things in life. A ‘coziness’, if you will, for the soul. And it’s infectious, spilling over, if you allow it, into every part of your being. In a nut shell, it’s being cozy and feeling just alright about feeling alright in this moment. 

But it means a lot more than that. It also means ‘seeking a safe refuge’, a place of protection from the outside world. And a place you feel comfortable and safe enough to be yourself.   

Hygge can be beneficial to those with ADHD for exactly the same reasons. A personal space that feels safe, comfortable and away from the “outside” world. 

The Ingredients

The ingredients of a hyggelite home, and indeed lifestyle, are rather unique. They include the comfort of familiar objects, neatness, cleanliness and a warm, inviting atmosphere.

The idea is never to show off or to brag. Humble and kind are closer to the truth. Candles burn softy, the aroma of homemade baking or cooking hang in the air, warm wraps, fluffy socks and blankets aplenty seem to be the common accessories added to any decor. With nothing pretentious ever displayed, a hygge atmosphere immediately whispers cozy and safe to any who may enter. 

Create that Hygge Atmosphere at home

‘Creating your hygge space’ at home has no real  ‘how to’  instructions and is really about your personal idea of comfy and safe. But there are a few things we can definitely take from the Danes. 

Candles: These are obviously a must. Nothing elaborate. Remember that nothing here is about showing wealth, prestige or power. Through Nortic winters, no matter your economic status, electricity was probably not something one could count on, therefore making candles (no matter who you were) a treasured household item. Lighting candles would give a sense of security, safety and inner peace.

Having candles flickering softly in the shadowy places of a room warm any space simply by being there. If you fancy scented candles, try something subtle, like sandalwood perhaps. Like the Danes, think natural, organic. This aroma should soothe the senses rather than excite them. Remember, the objective is to quiet the mind. 

Read: The Power of Aroma: How Surrounding Scents Impact Your Mental and Emotional Well-being

Table lamps with soft bulbs burning can set the same romantic, inviting, cozy atmosphere if burning candles is not inside your comfort zone. Strategically placed, small, simple lamps with soft bulbs can created a wonderful, ‘hygee’ ambiance. Danes themselves are partial to designer lamps but always lean toward soft bulbs or something resembling a sunset. 

Walking into a hygge space, that you have created for yourself, will instantly conjure emotions of quiet, safe and peace filled moments. It’s a great place to retire from your day and escape from the harshness of the world.  

Nature and Hygge

Danes love nature and make their way into it as often as they can. They seem to know the benefits of nature therapy and do it out of desire rather than need.

But, when those harsh winters set in, they have no problem bringing nature indoors to be near them. Not a bad idea when setting up a feeling of safe and cozy. Afterall, nature lifts our mood, alleviates stress, depression and anxiety no matter the season. And, as we all know, ADHD symptoms know no season. 

Here’s a study on the subject – Interaction with indoor plants may reduce psychological and physiological stress by suppressing autonomic nervous system activity in young adults: a randomized crossover study. 

Studies have shown that by placing living, indoor plants around you, the same chemical response in our brain is triggered, releasing serotonin (the happy hormone) as being outdoors in nature. Plants placed stategically in your home will lift your mood in a completely natural way.

Of course, keep in mind that actually being out of doors is best and you should make time every day to get into the natural world in a mindful way. Walking to your car after work or walking through the grocery store doesn’t count for this exercise. Walking with intent does. Being grounded to the earth for some time everyday, which we will discuss in another post,  will reap you great benefits. Adding house plants however is definately a great place to start when creating your own hygge space. 

Add the Warmth of a Fireplace

Fireplaces are another feature that screams cozy and peaceful. Wrapping your ‘hygge’ space around a fireplace is the perfect setting for some. Candles, plants and a fireplace? Who could resists slipping into this invitation. (If you don’t have a fireplace, but think you might like one, Amazon has some very nice ones. Electric or gas. Shop around before making a selection and remember to take measurements while visualizing your perfect hygge space.)   

Fill your Hygge with You

It’s important that you are completely at ease and ‘at home’ in your hygge space. Make sure your favorite books, magazines, wall hangings, pictures and even music is set for your pleasure. It’s all about safe, secure, cozy, quiet and you. Make sure there are plenty of soft blankets and pillows around. It’s all about comfort. And don’t forget those comfy sweaters and fluffy socks! 

Understand Your Needs

Understanding your needs is key when it comes to creating a living space that soothes the mind when you suffer from ADHD. In the post, Learn To Learn About You, most of your little idiosyncrasies will be revealed to you, that you might not have realized until you started writing your story, even existed. It most likely will be those very idiosyncrasies that will help you shape the hygee space you need to create. 
First, consider how this living space will help to manage the day-to-day symptoms of your condition, such as distractions and difficulty focusing, as well as providing a relaxing respite when needed.
It is important to remember that everyone is different and what feels calming and soothing to one person may be the exact opposite to another. For instance, some people may prefer open spaces with minimal decor while others may find that having colors and patterns, personal effects and sentimental collectibles, keepsakes and souvenirs surrrounding them, can help to keep them focused and happy.
Spend some time exploring what type of setting works best for you and take note of colors, objects and patterns that can help you to focus and clear your mind.
It’s also important to take your time creating this space. Try out different setups until you find the right solution. This can help to create an environment that suits your needs and helps to manage your symptoms of ADHD.

Hygge Is More Than A Space

Creating a living space that is both functional and comfortable is essential. When it comes to organizing the space, aim to maximize efficiency and reduce clutter. This can help to keep your mind clear and focused. Utilizing shelving and boxes to store your belongings and work materials can work wonders. Place frequently used items in easy-to-reach places, while less frequently used objects should be stored away but accessible enough if you need to get to them quickly.
The right colors and accents can also improve your quality of life if you suffer from ADHD. Choose colors that can help you relax. Pale blue and green are some of the most common colors used to create a calming atmosphere but you decide what brings you the relaxed feeling you are seeking.  Bright colors, such as yellow and orange, provide more energy but can be especially beneficial for creative work. 
Keeping seperate work and rest (escape) spaces can sometimes be the better choice but that will again be a personal choice that helps with your unique needs. I personally create only one hygge space as working is what relaxes me, keeps me focused and productive. Whenever my mnd starts to wonder (starts jabbering about other things I could, should, be doing) I break to another room or activity that will quickly realign me and allow me to return to my work refreshed and focused. (I will be honest. I use that time to get on the tredmill I keep in the bedroom and spend 10 minutes or so walking. It releases endorphines that put me back on track. Here’s the one I use but you can just as easily head outside and walk in nature a while too. With deadlines to reach, it’s easier to stay focused if I use the one indoors for that reboot and take my evening walk as usual. It all depends on you.)  
The most important thing about creating your own hygge space is exactly that. It is your space and has been created to give you the feelings of being safe and comfortably protected from the harsh beyond. (aka, your ADHD symptoms)
By following these strategies, and by all means creating your own, you can create a living space that helps to soothe and reduce the symptoms of ADHD giving you more control over your day to day happiness. And that is, ADHD or not, what it’s really all about.

Hygge Is Also A Beautiful Attitude

Danes express the hygge attitude well beyond a safe, cozy space in their homes. They live it openly. One norm is spending time with friends and family as often as they can. Enjoying the people in their life is a pleasure they take very seriously. A recipe of good food, good drinks, good atmosphere and good friends. People talking – cell phones avoided to be truly involved with the people they have the pleasure to be engaged with in that moment. Sharing – dinner, conversation, games and movies. Lifting each other up – no one bragging on themselves or their own accomplishments. Such conversations will not be heard among them. It’s just not hygge. The Danes understand the art of living in the moment. Slow and easy. No past regrets, no exaggerated expectations of a future that is not yet here and no rush to be beyond the minute at hand. It’s a state of gratitude and a feeling of being alright, right here, right now, just as you are. 

Is it any wonder they are the happiest people in the world. 

So give yourself the gift of a hygge space and a Dane attitude and let the feel good begin. 

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